Thursday, May 26, 2011

New Lip Stick

Just got CoverGirl Lip Perfection lipstick in Enchantress. I love it! The color is so pretty, it lasts super long, and it really does help moisturize and repair lips. Mine were chapped when I started using it, 2 days later they are extremely smooth.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Been away for a while

O graduated and then I spent and awesome week with him. I already miss him so much.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

:( Finals

will be spending my day studying for Linguistics :( At least I have some delicious Nantucket Nectar Red Plum!

Happy Mother's Day

I'm about to call my mom. I wish I could be with her today. I love her so much. She truly is my best friend. I can talk to her about anything at and time of day even if she was sleeping when I called. Love you, Mom with all my Heart! <3

Friday, May 6, 2011


Going to club Hell tonight....waiting to be picked up :)

Got it!

Will be living off campus with the girls! wooo!

Horray for Bright Pink Tights!


just texted the two girls to let them know i am in for the aparhtment and am waiting to hear back. I'm feeling kind of nervous, hopefully they didn't decided they didn't want me. In the mean time I am listening to Nicki Minaj pink friday and eating some special k with red berries, yum!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I hate them so much. Hopefully going out to Broad Street after my art history final tomorrow! tequila!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Almost Summer

Just had my last class and already had my first final. Now only four finals seperate me from summer. This is bringing up some very mixed feelings. Of course, I am excited for three school free months working at jobs I actually make good money at, but Owen is graduating. When we leave school this time it will never be the same. This is why my living situation is killing me so much. I want to live with him so badly but he doesn't know what he is doing yet so I can't base my decision on him. Living in my own place pulls me because I can do whatever I want and not worry if I am bothering anyone nor do I have anyone bothering me and if Owen can live with me, it will not be a problem. However, I am having trouble finding somewhere that I could afford on my own until Owen would move in or if he ends up not moving in at all.  The next ideal situation where Owen would be able move in if everything works out with getting a job around here would be to live in a two bedroom at the first apartment complex I looked at with Mitz. Finally Mitz was looking at the brightside of living there and I was so excited. Only now Mitz is back in his piggish ways and worried about how it would be so much easier to get a girl to come to his room if he lived in the house where the party was or really close. Third option: move in with other girls. I haven't had the best luck living with girls, but if it when well could be really fun. Although if I agree to this it is pretty much agreeing that I WILL NOT live with Owen next year. I really don't know what to do and I am super stressed out about it. I have a meeting with two girls tomorrow about moving in with them, and guy showing my an apartment I know I can't really afford.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

last night

Last night was so much fun. We went to The Place in Boston. With a bunch of mishaps we didn't even get there until midnight. I found a new drink: the grateful dead. It only would have been better if the guys there hadn't been such vultures and just let us dance instead of attacking all the time. We met people from all over including Dublin, Portugal, and Italy. We almost didn't get back though as Janice and I could not figure out how to get into the parking garage where her car was. We finally just had to walk at the automatic garage door, which there is a big sign saying not to do. Also I definitely pissed off the boyf when i called him to let me in the building a 3:30 am when he had work at 9:00 am today and right before he got down to me some girl came along and let me in. Oops!