Saturday, April 30, 2011

Nicole's 21st

Anxious waiting to get picked up to go out in Boston for my friend's 21st birthday party!

I made a button necklace!

Wearing my grandmother's earrings today

Where is Home?

So here is my predictament: I said I would live with my boyf's soon to be ex roomate as the boyf is graduating and his roomate and I both have a year left and neither one of us wants to live on campus. So he has been sticking his neck out for me when ever he found people who needed two roomates. However, now i really don't think I WANT to do this. I want to live in my OWN apartment or possibly with the boyf is he gets a job around here (he has no idea what he is doing yet). So we end up teaming up with the roomate's friend and and friend of that friend to try to get some houses together. Turns out all 3 have records, and the new 2 have both recently gotten out of rehab (crystal meth and cocain). So now I am worried about even being able to get a place, as most do background checks, and that someone will relasp, and I really don't want to be stuck living with an addict and all that comes with it. So I am back to wanting to find a place, just me, but I really have no idea how to go about leaving this group in a way that doesn't piss anyone off.


I want this hair color, but I am to chicken to try it


both from modcloth

Friday, April 29, 2011

outfit today


First place was probably too expensive :( but I really liked it. Maybe if my wonderful man gets a job around this area next year...

In the meantime off to look at this place with a couple of people.

Apartment Hunting!

Going to look at my first apartment today! I am so excited!